Sunday, December 16, 2012



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სასწავლო პროექტი

1.Topic:No Drinking
2.The project’s main idea:To  save young  generation from the alcohol.
3.Importance of problem: Nowadays intaking alcohol is very problematic with teenagers.
·       High level of alcohol intake raise the risk for heart    disease,blood pressure and certain cancer.
·       One of the biggest problem caused by intaking alcohol is car accident.
·       It causes abnormal physical  development in teenagers.
  4. Aims:After this session student will gain awarnees about alcohole,what does it cause.
·       They will develop their  refusal skills to say no alcohol .
·       They will understand the less of corrdination and  bodily control associated with drinking.
5.Age rang:10 and up
6.Time required:one month
7.Products:They  will be more tolerate toward people who have problems with “drinking alcohol”.
This will araise peer educatin.Student will have good communicative skill.Their responsibility as a citizen will be high(they never try to drive car when they will be drunk).
They will say no to alcohol.
8.Metarials:Books,internet,projector,paper ,cardboard,crayon,pencils,pens,markers.
9.Procedure of project:Students will conduct a conference where they will present the issues related to the topic.Further training will be conducted using a veriety of activities.The debate will take place on  whether alcohol is harmful or not.
And finally students will make posters with the title”say no to alcohol”.(in groups)
10.Conecction to the subject and goup of subject/National Curriculum.
·       Biology, find out the informatio,understand and share others.
11. Head  of the project.Natia Minadze(English Teacher)
12.E-mail address of head: